Skrevet av Emne: Miniguider med tips, flere som vil ha?  (Lest 22265 ganger)

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på: 11.04.2019, 23:37:10
Vi fikk nylig trykket opp et nytt opplag av miniguiden.
Miniguiden ? Det er et hefte med smarte tips og triks som har blitt til over tid etter hvert som man har blitt kjent med sin bil. Dekker det meste av nybegynnerspørsmålene, og vi har nylig lagt inn en del nytt Ifm Model 3.

Vi har vært en snartur på ulike steder og delt ut guiden. Enkelte servicesentre har den blant annet.
Er det noen som vil ha en bunke for å ha til utdeling, er det bare å si fra !
« Siste redigering: 30.04.2019, 10:17:08 av VigdisA »

2013 Signature Model S P85+
2022 Plaid Model x


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Svar #1 på: 10.01.2020, 05:41:10
Tesla forkortelser Glossary - What The Acronym
Apr 14, 2019

As Tesla fans, we sometimes find ourselves having to remember what are all those acronyms people reference in the forums and in social media. Here is a list of the most popular ones which you can find in our issues.

AP - Autopilot
AP1 - Autopilot hardware released after late September 2014 and before October 2016
AP2 - Autopilot hardware released after October 2016 and before August 2017
AP2.5 - Autopilot hardware released after August 2017
AWD - All-wheel Drive
BEV - Battery Electric Vehicle
BLE - Bluetooth Low Energy
BMS - Battery Management System
CAV - Clean Air Vehicles
CCS - Combined Charging System
CPO - Certified Pre-Owned
CR - Consumer Reports
EAP - Enhanced Autopilot
EBS - Emergency Breaking System
ECU - Electric Control Unit
EV - Electric Vehicle
EVSE - Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out. A.K.A when we read about new software updates that we’re not getting yet!
FPS - Frames Per Second
Frunk - Not exactly an acronym but… Front Trunk :)
FSD - Full Self-Driving
Giga 1 - Gigafactory 1 in Nevada
HW2 - Hardware 2
HW2+ - Autopilot Hardware version 2 and after
HW3 - Hardware 3
HOV - High-Occupancy Vehicle
IC - Instrument Cluster, the screen above the steering wheel
ICE - Internal Combustion Engine. A popular way of referring to gas cars in the Tesla communities
IR - Infrared Radiation
kWh - Kilowatt an hour (kilo=1,000; 1kWh = 3-4 mile range)
LR - Long Range
OA - Owner Advisor
OTA - Over-the-air
P3D - Performance Model 3 Dual Motor
M3 - Model 3
M3P - Model 3 Performance
MCU - Media Control Unit (touchscreen)
MCU 1 - Has an NVIDIA Tegra-3 chip. All Model S and Model X built before the end of March 2018 have this version.
MCU 2 - Has a more powerful Intel x86_64 processor. All Model 3 have this version as well as the Model S and Model X built after the end of March 2018.
MIT-AVT - MIT Autonomous Vehicle Technology Study
MR - Medium Range
MS - Model S
MX - Model X
MY - Model Y
NN - Neural Network. Is the software in charge of identifying objects around the car
NoA - Navigate on Autopilot
PIV - Plug In Vehicle
PUP - Performance Upgrade Package
RPH - Range Per Charge (miles)
RWD - Rear-Wheel Drive
SC - Service Center
SR - Standard Range
SvC - Tesla Service Center
TACC - Traffic-Aware Cruise Control
TMC - Tesla Motors Club
TPMS - Tire Pressure Monitoring System
V9 - Version 9
VIN - Vehicle Identification Number
ZEV - Zero Emition Vehicle

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