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Meldinger - Tord

Sider: 1
I think the problem is that you end up all the way back in the queue when you make changes or postpone delivery. The car that was destined for you is re-allocated to someone else, and you get moved down to the bottom of the pile again.

Being in the same situation as you, also expecting delivery last half of May, I find it quite frustrating that there's no information on status, or more accurate ETAs as we're moving closer to the deadline.

TOCN.NO / Sv: Forslag til forumet
« på: 07.05.2019, 17:49:45 »
Et litt mer tidsriktig alternativ hadde kanskje vært en invite only sub-reddit, men det toget har vel gått nå. Flott tiltak! :)

Hacking av bilen / TeslaUsb
« på: 07.05.2019, 17:45:53 »

Kom over dette prosjektet på Github, som via en Rasberry Pi gir smartere håndtering av filene lagret fra dashcam, USB lagring, osv.

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